Digital Balance Lab calibration and what is the difference
 Sep 22, 2022|View:1239

In the previous calibration work, each instrument and equipment would only have one calibration regulation or calibration specification, but in July 2020, JJF 1847-2020“Digital Balance Labcalibration specification” was released, JG 1036-2008“Digital Balance Lab”(verification procedures) at the same time for verification and calibration work, then our digital balance lab is the need for verification or calibration?

Digital Balance Lab

1. Different purposes

(1) Calibration: the purpose of calibration is to evaluate the indication error of the measuring device against the measurement standard and to ensure the accuracy of the measurement value, which belongs to a group of operations of tracing the measurement value from bottom to top.

(2) Verification: the objective of verification is to make a mandatory and comprehensive evaluation of the measuring device. This comprehensive evaluation belongs to the category of unity of quantity and value and is a top-down process of quantity and value transfer.

2. Different objects

(1) Calibration: The calibration object is a measurement device that belongs to the mandatory verification. In our country, the non-compulsory verification measuring device mainly refers to the measuring instruments used in the process of production and service provision, including incoming inspection, process inspection, and final product inspection.

(2) Verification: the object of verification is the measurement device of compulsory verification specified in our metrological law. (the annex to the measures of the People's Republic of China on the administration of compulsory verification of working measuring instruments shall apply to the compulsory verification of those used for trade settlement, safety protection, medical and health care, and Environmental monitoring services)

3. Different in nature

(1) the calibration is not mandatory and is a voluntary traceability behavior of the organization.

(2) verification is a compulsory law enforcement act and belongs to the legal metrological management.

4. Different conclusions

(1) The conclusion of calibration is only to evaluate the measurement error of the measuring device to ensure the accuracy of the measurement value and does not require giving a qualified or unqualified judgment.

(2) In the verification, the measuring device must be qualified or unqualified according to the error range of measurement value stipulated in the verification regulation.

If our digital balance lab is used for trade settlement, security, healthcare, Environmental monitoring, or any of these, it will need to be certified.